The same can also be said for bad companies and bad people.
If a PR pro is doing a great job, the bad WILL be brought to light. And light clearly obliterates darkness.
On the surface, putting a GoPro video camera inside a dishwasher seems like a stretch from a marketing standpoint. And yet, embedded below you’ll find that very video for your viewing pleasure.
Why? Because that Dishwasher Video Changed my Viewpoint on Marketing . . . forever.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="600"] Norwalk, CT Babe Ruth player hits pop fly July 11, 2013 (Credit Christian[/caption]
Abraham, Stamford Advocate)
I love baseball. Always have, always will.
Sure, I love watching (and playing) other sports: football, volleyball, basketball, even soccer (especially after the 2014 World Cup).
But for me,...
Some people say David Ogilvy was the best ad man ever.
I’m not sure if that statement is true or not, but clearly he was very, very good. And as a result, he knew just a bit about the world of advertising.
Do you Agree or Disagree...
The Betty Factor?
[caption id="attachment_15566" align="alignright" width="233"] (Betty Mann, circa 1955)[/caption]
For more than 20 years I have defined “The Betty Factor” as any marketing communications message, tactic or campaign that is easily understood by an average consumer, such as Betty Mann, my former mother-in-law who passed away in December 2009...